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Technical Courses turns 10 years old. The best is yet to come. |
Last January 2024, the online training platform Technical Courses celebrated its first 10 years of existence, so although a few months late we want to share with all of you the celebration of this anniversary. It happened in January 2014 when the team of experts from the company Norplan Engieering launched the Technical Courses training platform to the online universe, achieving the first sale of said platform to a student from Negombo (Sry Lanka) on January 16. From the beginning, our interest was focused on selling online technical courses around the world. To do this, we chose only two languages, Spanish and English, with the aim of attracting the largest number of potential clients.
Another very important success, or perhaps the most important, was to have the best professionals within our team of teachers, who made it possible to provide high-quality training based on the experience of technologists with many years of professional practice. What is known as “expert knowledge”. The “generalist knowledge” should already be possessed by the student at the end of their university or Vocational Training studies.
Our philosophy has always been based on every cent invested in training with us being more than compensated in favor of the client, whether it is the company that hires the training plan that will obtain greater performance from the worker, or the student of our courses themselves. based on better performance of your professional activity, you will have the option of obtaining a short-term salary increase. Our courses were always programmed to give more for less. For example, our course of 30 teaching hours actually had didactic content for 50 or 60 hours. But we continued to sell it at the price of a 30-hour course, this had the objective of ensuring that the client was always satisfied with the money invested.
We implemented a quality plan for continuous improvement, to know at all times what we had to change or improve in our product. At the end of each course, the student can make a complete evaluation of all the aspects contained in the training activity. This information is subsequently transferred to the course tutor, always anonymously.
Throughout these 10 years we have managed to provide high-quality technical training to a multitude of clients from all five continents, always obtaining a high degree of student satisfaction in the evaluation questionnaires, which is why many participants decide to repeat with us by doing more. courses or recommending us to other people. This has allowed us to obtain a good reputation within our activity. If we have managed to continue in the market for 10 years without aid of any kind, it is only because the client has placed their trust in us, for which we want to express our gratitude. We cannot forget the important companies, universities and research centers that have trusted us with their employee training plans. We would like to mention the following: - BSH Electrodomésticos España S.A. - Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Aeronáutica y del Espacio (ETSIAE) - John Deere India Pvt Limited - Centro Tecnológico Agrario y Agroalimentario - ITAGRA.CT - Flow Computing Technologies Ltd (UK) - ALTRAN INNOVACIÓN S.L.U. - RES ANATOLİA HOLDİNG A.Ş. (TURKEY) - Universidad de Jaén (UJA) - Kathmandu University (Nepal) - Max-Planck-Institut (Germany) - SOCIEDAD GALLEGA DE RESIDUOS INDUSTRIALES - SOGARISA SA - Schaeffler Technologies GmbH & Co. KG (Germany) - MARINTEK (Norway) - BELLMER Iberica Machienry S.L.U. - Bulgarian Ship Hydrodynamics Centre (Bulgaria) - ENXEÑEIROS E ARQUITECTOS CONSULTORES IDOM, S.A. - Metaltec Naval S.L. - ALEACIONES DE METALES SINTERIZADOS, S.A. - BÉTICA DE DESARROLLOS TECNOLÓGICO, S.L. - TEIDE REFRACTORY SOLUTIONS, S.L. - FRANCISCO CARDAMA, S.A. - Seatech Consulting S.L - I División Eléctrica S.A. - Astilleros de Murueta S.A. - GESTENAVAL, S.L. - Instituto Nacional de Hidráulica - INH (Chile) - ISONAVAL, S.L.P - FRIMARTE, S.L. - Metalships & Docks S.A. - Air Science & Engineering LLC (USA) - VENG S.A. (Argentina) - FUNDACION CENER-CIEMAT - Comisión Nacional de Seguridad Nuclear y Salvaguardias (Mexico) - G-MET TECHNOLOGIES (France) - ARTECA CAUCHO METAL, S.A. - RDT Ingenieros Bilbao S.L. - Milestone Factory S.A. (Suiza) - Technische Universität Braunschweig Institut F. Partikeltechnik (Germany) - Ingeciber S.A. - CLARCOR Inc. (USA) - Fundación Centro de Investigación Cooperativa de Energías Alternativas (CIC energiGUNE) - School of Engineering and Informatics University of Sussex (UK) - COMEXI GROUP INDUSTRIES S.A.U - BURULAN, S.A. - Aicox Soluciones S.A - COLMAI MECANICAS S.L.U - IDOM CONSULTING, ENGINEERING, ARCHITECTURE, S.A.U - GESTIÓN DE MATERIALES Y PROYECTOS, S.A. - Centro Nacional de Experimentación de Tecnologías de Hidrógeno y Pilas de Combustible – CNH2 - Uppsala University (Suecia) - SEDICAL, S.A. - Taller Electro Mecánico Peyman, SLU - IBERICA DE SOLUCIONES NUMERICAS, S.L. - UBE CORPORATION EUROPE, S.A.U - Centro de investigación y estudios avanzados del instituto politécnico nacional (Mexico) - PGI 2000 CONSULTORIA I ENGINYERIA BCN SL - PROES CONSULTORES, S.A. - INSTYTUT MASZYN PRZEPŁYWOWYCH (Polonia) - Reparaciones La Galera, S.L - AIN ACTIVE, S.L.U. - Innovación en el diseño de la ingeniería S.L. - MERINO INGENIEROS INGENIERÍA DE PROYECTOS, S.L. - BOUND 4 BLUE, SL - Industrias Guerra S.A. - CENTRO NACIONAL DEL HIDRÓGENO – CNH2 (España) - Técnicas Reunidas de Mantenimiento y Automatización Industrial, S.L. - SUPRASYS S.L. - Wärtsilä Finland - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany) - NOVAPESCA TRADING, S.L. - NUEVA PESCANOVA SL. - Karman Mechanics Kft (Hungria) - UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DEL COMAHUE (Argentina) - Sistemas Industriales de Calderas, S.L. - MODERNIZACIÓN DE ELEVADORES S.L. - TTV INGENIERIA TÉCNICA ELEVACIÓN S.L. - ASOCIACIÓN DE INVESTIGACIÓN DE LAS INDUSTRIAS CERÁMICAS (AICE-ITC) - REMICA S.A. - KL2B KBUY SL - ENSO OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE, S.L.U. - Universidad de Castilla la Mancha - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - CULMAR S.A. - SOLTEC ENERGIAS RENOVABLES SLU - Dresdner Grundwasserforschungszentrum e.V. (Germany) - Autotech Engineering Spain, S.L. - Ingeniacity, S.L. - SOCIEDAD COOPERATIVA GENERAL AGROPECUARIA ACOR - Maverick yachts S.A - Videojet Technologies S.L. - CARNICAS CINCO VILLAS, S.A.U. - PROPULSIÓN Y GENERACIÓN S.A. - Fundación CIDETEC - TECNICA Y PROYECTOS, S.A. - TITANIMPLANT, S.L. - Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade (Portugal) - BEAM SUNTORY SPAIN S.L. - ELCTRONICA ARA, S.L - UNIVERSIDAD DE LA CIÉNEGA DEL ESTADO DE MICHOACÁN DE OCAMPO (Mexico) - ADVANCED RADAR TECHNOLOGIES SA - Smartfreez Lda (Portugal) - FERTUSA MARENOSTRUM SLU - NICOLAS CORREA S.A. - Kapetair ApS (Dinamarca) - INGENIERÍA Y TÉCNICA DEL TRANSPORTE TRIA, S.A. - UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA DE MADRID - IES Nautico Pesquera Bermeo. - S.T.A. DATA srl (Italia) - EUR L.O. Trading GmbH (Germany) - NUCLEOELECTRICA ARGENTINA SA - LIGHTNINGLOGISTICS PVT LMT (India) - SIPEM S.A. - Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad - CNRS SCTD 0769 TSA2 (Francia) - STAR COMPLEMENTS SL - K-LAGAN TECHNOLOGY & CONSULTING MD, S.L.U - AQUANARIA, S.L. - SN SEIXAL - SIDERURGIA NACIONAL, S.A. - University of Southampton (UK) - Institut Pprime - CNRS UPR3346 (France) - Tecpetrol Colombia S.A.S. - GAVE ELECTRO SL - ACÚSTICA Y TELECOMUNICACIONES SL - NAVANTIA S.A., S.M.E. - Ingeni Genève SA (Suiza) |
Published 2024-07-22 10:12:36 by |
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