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Technical Courses turns 10 years old. The best is yet to come. |
Last January 2024, the online training platform Technical Courses celebrated its first 10 years of existence, so although a few months late we want to share with all of you the celebration of this anniversary. It happened in January 2014 when the team of experts from the company Norplan Engieering launched the Technical Courses training platform to the online universe, achieving the first sale of said platform to a student from Negombo (Sry Lanka) on January 16. From the beginning, our interest was focused on selling online technical courses around the world. To do this, we chose only two languages, Spanish and English, with the aim of attracting the largest number of potential clients.
Another very important success, or perhaps the most important, was to have the best professionals within our team of teachers, who made it possible to provide high-quality training based on the experience of technologists with many years of professional practice. What is known as “expert knowledge”. The “generalist knowledge” should already be possessed by the student at the end of their university or Vocational Training studies.
Our philosophy has always been based on every cent invested in training with us being more than compensated in favor of the client, whether it is the company that hires the training plan that will obtain greater performance from the worker, or the student of our courses themselves. based on better performance of your professional activity, you will have the option of obtaining a short-term salary increase. Our courses were always programmed to give more for less. For example, our course of 30 teaching hours actually had didactic content for 50 or 60 hours. But we continued to sell it at the price of a 30-hour course, this had the objective of ensuring that the client was always satisfied with the money invested.
We implemented a quality plan for continuous improvement, to know at all times what we had to change or improve in our product. At the end of each course, the student can make a complete evaluation of all the aspects contained in the training activity. This information is subsequently transferred to the course tutor, always anonymously.
Throughout these 10 years we have managed to provide high-quality technical training to a multitude of clients from all five continents, always obtaining a high degree of student satisfaction in the evaluation questionnaires, which is why many participants decide to repeat with us by doing more. courses or recommending us to other people. This has allowed us to obtain a good reputation within our activity. If we have managed to continue in the market for 10 years without aid of any kind, it is only because the client has placed their trust in us, for which we want to express our gratitude. We cannot forget the important companies, universities and research centers that have trusted us with their employee training plans. We would like to mention the following: - BSH Electrodomésticos España S.A. - Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Aeronáutica y del Espacio (ETSIAE) - John Deere India Pvt Limited - Centro Tecnológico Agrario y Agroalimentario - ITAGRA.CT - Flow Computing Technologies Ltd (UK) - ALTRAN INNOVACIÓN S.L.U. - RES ANATOLİA HOLDİNG A.Ş. (TURKEY) - Universidad de Jaén (UJA) - Kathmandu University (Nepal) - Max-Planck-Institut (Germany) - SOCIEDAD GALLEGA DE RESIDUOS INDUSTRIALES - SOGARISA SA - Schaeffler Technologies GmbH & Co. KG (Germany) - MARINTEK (Norway) - BELLMER Iberica Machienry S.L.U. - Bulgarian Ship Hydrodynamics Centre (Bulgaria) - ENXEÑEIROS E ARQUITECTOS CONSULTORES IDOM, S.A. - Metaltec Naval S.L. - ALEACIONES DE METALES SINTERIZADOS, S.A. - BÉTICA DE DESARROLLOS TECNOLÓGICO, S.L. - TEIDE REFRACTORY SOLUTIONS, S.L. - FRANCISCO CARDAMA, S.A. - Seatech Consulting S.L - I División Eléctrica S.A. - Astilleros de Murueta S.A. - GESTENAVAL, S.L. - Instituto Nacional de Hidráulica - INH (Chile) - ISONAVAL, S.L.P - FRIMARTE, S.L. - Metalships & Docks S.A. - Air Science & Engineering LLC (USA) - VENG S.A. (Argentina) - FUNDACION CENER-CIEMAT - Comisión Nacional de Seguridad Nuclear y Salvaguardias (Mexico) - G-MET TECHNOLOGIES (France) - ARTECA CAUCHO METAL, S.A. - RDT Ingenieros Bilbao S.L. - Milestone Factory S.A. (Suiza) - Technische Universität Braunschweig Institut F. Partikeltechnik (Germany) - Ingeciber S.A. - CLARCOR Inc. (USA) - Fundación Centro de Investigación Cooperativa de Energías Alternativas (CIC energiGUNE) - School of Engineering and Informatics University of Sussex (UK) - COMEXI GROUP INDUSTRIES S.A.U - BURULAN, S.A. - Aicox Soluciones S.A - COLMAI MECANICAS S.L.U - IDOM CONSULTING, ENGINEERING, ARCHITECTURE, S.A.U - GESTIÓN DE MATERIALES Y PROYECTOS, S.A. - Centro Nacional de Experimentación de Tecnologías de Hidrógeno y Pilas de Combustible – CNH2 - Uppsala University (Suecia) - SEDICAL, S.A. - Taller Electro Mecánico Peyman, SLU - IBERICA DE SOLUCIONES NUMERICAS, S.L. - UBE CORPORATION EUROPE, S.A.U - Centro de investigación y estudios avanzados del instituto politécnico nacional (Mexico) - PGI 2000 CONSULTORIA I ENGINYERIA BCN SL - PROES CONSULTORES, S.A. - INSTYTUT MASZYN PRZEPŁYWOWYCH (Polonia) - Reparaciones La Galera, S.L - AIN ACTIVE, S.L.U. - Innovación en el diseño de la ingeniería S.L. - MERINO INGENIEROS INGENIERÍA DE PROYECTOS, S.L. - BOUND 4 BLUE, SL - Industrias Guerra S.A. - CENTRO NACIONAL DEL HIDRÓGENO – CNH2 (España) - Técnicas Reunidas de Mantenimiento y Automatización Industrial, S.L. - SUPRASYS S.L. - Wärtsilä Finland - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany) - NOVAPESCA TRADING, S.L. - NUEVA PESCANOVA SL. - Karman Mechanics Kft (Hungria) - UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DEL COMAHUE (Argentina) - Sistemas Industriales de Calderas, S.L. - MODERNIZACIÓN DE ELEVADORES S.L. - TTV INGENIERIA TÉCNICA ELEVACIÓN S.L. - ASOCIACIÓN DE INVESTIGACIÓN DE LAS INDUSTRIAS CERÁMICAS (AICE-ITC) - REMICA S.A. - KL2B KBUY SL - ENSO OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE, S.L.U. - Universidad de Castilla la Mancha - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - CULMAR S.A. - SOLTEC ENERGIAS RENOVABLES SLU - Dresdner Grundwasserforschungszentrum e.V. (Germany) - Autotech Engineering Spain, S.L. - Ingeniacity, S.L. - SOCIEDAD COOPERATIVA GENERAL AGROPECUARIA ACOR - Maverick yachts S.A - Videojet Technologies S.L. - CARNICAS CINCO VILLAS, S.A.U. - PROPULSIÓN Y GENERACIÓN S.A. - Fundación CIDETEC - TECNICA Y PROYECTOS, S.A. - TITANIMPLANT, S.L. - Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade (Portugal) - BEAM SUNTORY SPAIN S.L. - ELCTRONICA ARA, S.L - UNIVERSIDAD DE LA CIÉNEGA DEL ESTADO DE MICHOACÁN DE OCAMPO (Mexico) - ADVANCED RADAR TECHNOLOGIES SA - Smartfreez Lda (Portugal) - FERTUSA MARENOSTRUM SLU - NICOLAS CORREA S.A. - Kapetair ApS (Dinamarca) - INGENIERÍA Y TÉCNICA DEL TRANSPORTE TRIA, S.A. - UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA DE MADRID - IES Nautico Pesquera Bermeo. - S.T.A. DATA srl (Italia) - EUR L.O. Trading GmbH (Germany) - NUCLEOELECTRICA ARGENTINA SA - LIGHTNINGLOGISTICS PVT LMT (India) - SIPEM S.A. - Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad - CNRS SCTD 0769 TSA2 (Francia) - STAR COMPLEMENTS SL - K-LAGAN TECHNOLOGY & CONSULTING MD, S.L.U - AQUANARIA, S.L. - SN SEIXAL - SIDERURGIA NACIONAL, S.A. - University of Southampton (UK) - Institut Pprime - CNRS UPR3346 (France) - Tecpetrol Colombia S.A.S. - GAVE ELECTRO SL - ACÚSTICA Y TELECOMUNICACIONES SL - NAVANTIA S.A., S.M.E. - Ingeni Genève SA (Suiza) |
Published 2024-07-22 10:12:36 by | Open |
Why Online Technical Courses? |
A PROBLEM OF FUND When we finish our academic studies at the university and access to the world of work for the first time, we realize about the separation between the academic formation and the company work. Unfortunately, this is an endemic problem that has a difficult solution, for this reason the problem persists for a long time. Most companies need people with real knowledge and skills. A degree is not enough, and it is necessary to demonstrate day by day some capabilities that are supposed to us but that we have to justify with facts, not with words. OVERVIEW TODAY The incorporation to the professional world is probably one of the most critical moments for the recent graduates, the reason is that they are in a situation of inferiority with respect to other professionals with more experience. This limits their ability to be hired or prevents them from doing so under conditions that may be considered adequate for their degrees. If the recent graduate is lucky, the company can bet on him and provide him with the necessary training. This involves a risk for the company since it must allocate its own or subcontracted resources to third parties to train the new employee and then the latter could leave for another company. For this reason, many companies prefer to hire a professional who is already trained and with some experience, although they must pay a little more. Once you enter the loop, it is difficult to get out, the recent graduate wants to work but the companies tell him that he has been discarded from the selection process due to lack of experience. And the experience cannot be acquired without working, so a graceful exit can be complicated, although sooner or later it usually comes out one way or the other. In any case, the recent graduate must be able to acquire, as quickly as possible and with great efficiency, the necessary knowledge that will open the door to enter the world of work, and once inside, allow him to carry out his work with great solvency, to achieve recognition by their superiors and this power to level up and promote. It is necessary to get hired, but it is also important to get on the right foot, prove yourself and promote. One very important thing is to avoid being stuck, which can cause us frustration, interrupting our evolution in the professional and economic aspect. Another existing problem, which is derived from the tremendous technological advance, is the continuous appearance of new jobs, some of them non-existent only a few years ago. On the other hand, some sectors are reducing the demand for personnel. This forces many professionals to try to reorient their professional trajectory to adapt to the demand. OUR OBJECTIVES Our main objective is to provide a real solution to the problem of training deficit, both for the recent graduates, and for the experienced professionals who want to retrain or reorient their careers. Other of our objectives are:
PROVIDING VALUE In order to carry out our objectives, it was necessary to have teachers with great professional experience, if possible still active. That made it possible to provide high-quality training that can only be acquired after years of professional practice. What is known as "expert knowledge". The “general knowledge” should already be possessed by the student at the end of their university studies. The next step was to put the expert teacher in communication with the students. The two main drawbacks are the time available to complete the course within a whole workday and the costs of the training action, which must be reasonable and affordable for the recent graduate who does not have large financial resources. Both difficulties have been solved through online training courses. Logically, not all technical courses are suitable for online training, so we have only selected courses that are 100% suitable for this type of training. An important aspect that we have taken into account was the pedagogical adaptation, expert teachers may lack this type of training, which can lead to difficulties in developing teaching. For this reason, in the preparation of our courses we have the support of personnel with pedagogical training, who intervene to ensure that the training activity allows the acquisition of technical knowledge with total efficiency. Our academic model seeks to learn by doing, this means that our courses have a series of exercises and educational activities that will allow the student to acquire their knowledge and skills effectively and practically. Especially important for us is obtaining good learning performance, this means acquiring knowledge at a relatively low cost of hours, for this the correct preparation of teaching materials is of decisive importance. Finally, it is worth mentioning that our training plan follows a continuous improvement program, for this all students who finish a course must carry out a quality survey where they can assess the different parameters of the course, as well as indicate aspects that they consider to be improvable. Based on this information, corrective actions are implemented whenever necessary within the continuous improvement program. |
Published 2020-05-18 12:13:44 by C. Rodríguez | Open |
Code_Aster, free CAE software based on finite elements |
Code_Aster is a software for finite element analysis and numerical simulation in structural mechanics and multiphysics.Code_Aster feature:
- Type FEM : Linear & non-linear static / dynamic, thermal & fluid analysis
It was developed by the French company Electricite de France (EDF), for the study and maintenance of plants and power grids. He was released under the GNU General Public License in October 2001. Most documentation is available in French.
Code_Aster is a solver or processing engine, i.e. it does not include preprocessing and post - processing tools. This means that meshing and presentation of the solutions must be realized using other softwares for instance SALOME and ParaView respectively. In this regard, the version SALOME-MECA allows full functionality. Their applications span multiple disciplines: mechanical, thermal analysis, hydrodynamics, metallurgy, hydration, drying ... Stationary or transient conditions, and both linear and nonlinear processes can be modelled. It also includes specific tools for fatigue, deformation, fracture, contact, geotechnics, porous materials, etc.
Code_Aster contains 1500000 lines of source code, mostly in Fortran
and Python, and is constantly being developed, updated and improved with
new models. The qualitative standards required by the
nuclear industry have provided improvements to reach the highest levels
of functionality and accuracy, which have been
validated by independent comparisons with analytical and experimental
The software is provided with about 2000 test, dedicated to elementary grade, and are useful as examples. Code_Aster documentation includes over 14000 pages. Most of this documentation is only in French language. RELATED TRAINING COURSES:To receive training related to this subject, we recommend Technical Courses:
Technical Courses
is a company spezialized on online courses, most of them closely
linked to trends in the labor market and the training needs of companies.
- Code Aster online course |
Published 2016-04-14 12:56:15 by | Open |
Hull modeling using Rhinoceros 3D |
The most common way to model a 3D hull is using its plane forms. A plane form represents the water lines, as well as the longitudinal and transverse vertical sections.
By symmetry, only half ot the shift is drawn in the
plane forms.
The most appropiate softwares for 3D modeling of the hull
are Maxsurf and Rhinoceros, both work from NURBS surfaces. NURBS
(acronym for non-uniform rational B-spline) is a mathematical model
widely used to generate and represent curves and surfaces
The advantages of the 3D modeler Rhinoceros, are its facility to handle and its versality to adjust the geometry of the hull. It also has tools for smoothing the hull (fairing), which is essential for a good 3D modeling and can be used later in the phase of numerical analysis. The version RhinoMarine is adapted to the special characteristics required by naval designers including windbreaks, developable surfaces, curvature analysis, etc. In addition, RhinoMarine has the Orca3D supplement, an external plug-in that provides a full suite of specialized tools for shipbuilding design and analysis in Rhino.
An easy procedure to model a hull using Rhinoceros 3D is indicated below:
RECOMMENDED TRAINING: - Rhinoceros 5.0 Marine Design Course |
Published 2016-04-11 11:42:11 by Carlos Rodríguez & Joshua | Open |
CFD analysis of a biologically-inspired undulating marine propeller |
Introduction: Throughout history, practical implementation of rotating propulsion mechanisms was highly used because they are very easy to deal with; however, undulating mechanisms, which are very common in the nature, have been poorly considered. Nowadays, engineering of marine vehicles and machines is maturing and new propulsion methods are being considered. The designs based on biologically-inspired propulsors are being increasingly studied. The problem is that many mechanisms of propulsion are not well understood yet. An important advance which helps to understand the hydrodynamics of biological swimming is the computational fluid dynamics (CFD). There are a lot of researchers who applied the CFD to study biological swimming, for example, Borazjani, Sotiropoulos, Carling, Fauci, Liu, Lamas, Lewin, Sfakiotakis, Triantafyllou, Shen, etc. In this work, a CFD model was developed to analyze the fluid flow over an undulating propeller. It is organized as follows. CFD analysis: The design of the experimental prototype was done from the CFD analysis to assess the most suitable configuration. The experimental prototype, shown in the figure, consists of an undulating foil propeller of 0.52 m wavelength, 0.02 m amplitude and 0.2 m width. Innovacións Mariñas” Research Group (Coruña University - Spain) developed an undulanting propeller based on the patent No. 200002012. This patent refers to undulating systems and bodies in fluid mediums ![]() The pressure field is indicated in the figure: ![]() This is a video about the CFD simulation: The main advantage of this system is that it is reversible, i.e., it has the same efficiency either operating forward or backward. This makes it ideal for vehicles that require high maneuverability. COURSES RECOMMENDED: |
Published 2014-04-04 17:31:42 by Isabel Lamas & J.D. Rodríguez | Open |
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